From Robin's Wiki

AreWeEvil: Shump



Monk 9


STR: 16 +3 --> HP: 65
Dex: 16 +3 --> AC: 20
Con: 12 +1 -->
Int: 08 -1 -->
Wis: 16 +3 --> Inititive: +3
Cha: 09 -1 --> Spd: 60'.

Fort: 10 (6 + 1 + ?)
Ref: 12 (6 + 3 +?)
Will: 12 (6 + 3 + ?) (+2 vs enchantments)
Base attack: 6
Str. attacks: +9/+4
Dex. attacks: +9/+4

Unarmed strike: +12/+7; damage 2d6+Str/2d6+Str
Flurry of Blows: +9/+9/+4; damage 2d6+Str for each.

Abilities and Feats

Unarmoured AC bonus: 1
Flurry of Blows
Unarmed strike
Improved Evasion (Avoids explosions)
Still mind (+2 vs enchantments)
Ki strike (magic) (overcomes "magic" damage reduction)
Slow fall 40'(reduced damage when falling near walls)
Purity of Body (immune to natural diseases)
Wholeness of Body (You may heal 2x your level damage to yourself per day)
Monk bonus feats: B1: (Improved Grapple or Stunning Fist)
B2: (Combat Reflexes (=more opportunity attacks) or Deflect Arrows)
B6: (Improved Disarm or Improved Trip)
Ordinary feats: F1:


|Skill |Ranks|Total| Notes| |Listen |1|4 | | |Spot |10 |13 | |

40 skill points remain.

Important Property

Monk's Belt (AC & damage as if 5 levels higher)
Cloak of Resistance (+3 to all saves) ?
Some other stuff
a debt\\

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Page last modified on March 11, 2005, at 03:52 PM