From Robin's Wiki

ArsMagica: BoringMessages

How many grogs did we get, how are we equipping them, and what are we rewarding them with? Land? Houses? Money? Arms + Armour?

Options for the extra specialists we haven't got sorted... Blacksmith? Carpenter? Stonemason? Seneschal? Cook? Tanner/leatherworker? Some sort of 'head farmer'? Armourer? Weaponsmith? Animal handler?

Whee! I recently improved the interface of the Population page. Mainly behind the scenes stuff, but I am curious if the smaller text is a pain or not.

I think it's a good size, but needs to be un-boldened since it is now clunky and blobby. [Bruno]

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Page last modified on January 12, 2005, at 02:50 AM