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CommentsPages: GiffyPastComments

Just so you know that I didn't delete your comments out of hand here they are again!

Back to Giffydoll's Reflection.

My blog is here: * * --Jenni

Svend is playing with the text formating rules...

I'm glad that Erik has Rachael with him for his first big overseas trip. :) I'm sure that they'll be fine, and have a great time, and bring me back many, many cool things. >;) My one complaint is that we didn't find out if Erik actually managed to find some sandals - for if Rachael is a giant, surely Erik's feet loom like colossi? (colossuses? colossososoes?) Or at least the feet thereof?

They sent me a text message. From *Thailand*. I don't think I've ever had a text message from that far away before. Pretty exciting. ;)

I too have been wondering the very same thing- did you manage to find some sandals?

Dear Erik and Rachael I miss you, it's just not the same without you. I looked at the pictures. You were riding on an elephant. Will you tell me all about it when you get home. I got new red shoes. Love from Louise

Dear Rachael. Graduation was yesteraay, so well done even if you couldn't be there in body. I wasn't there in spirit. We had some laughs, we had a party, but you got to ride on an elephant. Wishing you and Erik a happy christmas and a merry new year.

Matt K

- Jarrod

- Jarrod (now in Wellington)

Public Service announcement: Kapcon is this weekend, I am going to be there and would like it if people I know were also there. This means you Jarrod, Erik and Giffy! Plus, everyone else reading this who roleplays :)


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Page last modified on October 12, 2008, at 02:07 PM