From Robin's Wiki

EMusicJ: NaxosConversion

Naxos Conversion Details

This is a location to record notes and details regarding converting eMusic/J to work with Naxos' system

Subversion Repository Details

A repository for the conversion work has been created. [ SVN URL | Pretty version ]

This is a subversion repository, to access it and get a copy of the code, you need a subversion client. On Linux, this is usually contained within the distribution or via the Eclipse plugin subclipse, on Windows, I recommend TortiseSVN.

Write access to the repository can be granted as needed. Changes to eMusic/J for the duration of the conversion will be merged in to aovid them drifting too far apart. The conversion will happen with the goal of being able to push the branch back into the trunk copy, i.e. there ends up being one version of the program that can build both the Naxos version and the standard eMusic/J version.

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Page last modified on April 18, 2007, at 11:48 PM