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FadingSuns: Background

Fadings Suns Background

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to become a table, eventually


The level of detail will be expanded soonish... probably...

2100Establishment of the First Republic or Human Combine Era; the Terran solar system is developed
2305Discovery of the Terran system's jumpgate
2500Collapse of the First Republic; struggles with independence seekers and early Sathraists cause the collapse of the combines and their system of government, the first 'noble houses' emerge as an alternative
2500-3500The Diaspora; independently motivated colonists of all stripe depart Terra and spread across the Jumpweb
2700First Contact - Shantor; colonists encounter the first alien species, the Shantor, on Shaprut
2723Vision of the Holy Flame; Zebulon, the Prophet, sees the Holy Flame and the Age of Miracles begins
2730Shantor Revolt; a revolt by the Shantor against mistreatment leads the local nobility to establish the first, of many, alien reservations
2845First Contact - Vau; aggressive colonists jump into the Apshai system, encounter the G'nesh, and are then totally destroyed a fleet sent by the G'nesh's Vau patrons.
2489Death of the Prophet; the Age of Miracles comes to an end when the Prophet is killed in a jumpgate accident while travelling to speak with the Vau
2855The Ukari War
3500-4000The Second Republic
4000Collapse of the Second Republic
4000-4995The New Dark Ages
4525Lost Worlder 'barbarians' begin to invade the Known Worlds
4540Vladimir Alecto begins his campaign to unite the Known Worlds against the threat of the barbarian incursions
4550The First Coronation; Vladimir Alecto is crowned as Vladimir I Emperor of the Known Worlds and is horrifically assassinated at the moment of coronation, the Regency system is introduced as a compromise
4900The Symbiot Wars begin
4956-4995The Emperor Wars
4993The Second Coronation; Alexius Hawkwood is crowned Alexius I Emperor of the Known Worlds
4995The Emperor Wars end; the other Royal Houses recognise Alexius I as the legitimate Emperor
4995-currentThe Consolidation begins


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Page last modified on December 11, 2005, at 04:04 AM