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FontisNiger: Bruyant

Bruyant, a masterful cook from Provence


Bruyant is a cook, with a penchant for gambling. His cooking is inventive and delicious in its combinations and he has a flair for artisitc and elaborate presentation. In gambling, what he can't win with talent or luck, he does with sleight of hand. Bruyant has sandy brown hair and green eyes and despite a slight lisp is reasonably charismatic. He previously worked for a noble family in Castelnaudery, but during the seige there tragically lost his wife and youngest child. He has decided to leave the town and head to a safer location to raise his three surviving children - Bellisente (7), Hamund (6) and Rosemonde (4). He is 25 years old and a member of the Catholic faith.



Int 2 Per 1
Str -1 Sta -1
Prs 1 Com 2
Dex 1 Qik 0


Ability XP Score Specialty
Southern French 75 5 Cooking terms
Awareness 30 3 for Legerdermain
Bargain 50 4 Food
Carouse 75 5 Games of chance (+ luck)
Charm 5 1 Nobility
Etiquette 30 3 Nobility
Folk Ken 15 2 Gambling
Guile 15 2 Lieing
Legerdemain 50 4 Games of chance
Cooking 75 5+2 French cuisine



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Page last modified on January 29, 2007, at 05:02 PM