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FontisNiger: DomusLiber

Domus Liber

Domus Liber is a covenant in Toulouse, known for its focus on producing books of high quality and price.

Only the main building of the covenant is located in Toulouse, the labs of the magi are spread out over the countryside and are linked to the main building by enchanted doorways.


Magnus Gregorius scholae Bonisagi, Imaginem specialist
Nicolates Scribanus scholae Bonisagi, generalist
Adrianus Tittilus scholae Bonisagi, librarian
Laurentius Vittilus scholae Verditi
Alexis Renatus scholae Jerbitonis, Creo specialist
Arsius Sorex scholae Jerbitonis, Terram specialist
Nestor Aluredes, recently gauntleted apprentice of Magnus, interested in Herbam


The covenant of Domus Liber is allyed with Mistridge but has agreed to support the foundation of a new covenant on the site of Fontis Niger in exchange for political support for Domus Liber and Mistridge at Tribunal.

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Page last modified on September 14, 2006, at 01:16 PM