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The Saga of Fontis Niger

An Ars Magica 5th Edition saga set atop the Pech de Bugarach in the County of Toulouse during the Albigensian Crusade.


Having travelled several hours through grey dreary cloud you round what you hope is the last turn near the summit of Pech de Bugarach. You recall, with a sense of relief, that the short friendly priest at the priory told you it was not more than a few hours up the road.

As you turn another corner on the twisting road you raise your head from the path and a large sunlit plateau spreads out before you.

The summit strikes you as far more pleasant than the path up and it appears to be a lively place, if probably somewhat chilly during Autumn and Winter. Some children, scallywags by the look of them, are running around chasing chickens. A maid ducks through a wooden gate and a less than happy young boy sits alone in some shadows, and you swear you see a wolf vanish behind a large wooden palisade - was it chasing a cat, maybe it was playing?

Recovering from the distraction of this liveliness you quickly notice that a large field appears to have recently been heavily used by many feet and before you an impressive stone wall rises. Behind it a flat roofed two-story building, covered in interesting symbols, cuts its angular shape into the blue sky.

Some well-armed and serious-looking soldiers approach you, these are likely some of those making use of the field...

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Page last modified on May 21, 2007, at 08:51 PM