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FontisNiger: LetterOfUncertainDoom

Salve sodales,

My name is Titus Hilarius and I am a magus of the recently formed covenant of Infractus Summus Revividus, situated in the ruins of the former covenant of Fontis Niger.

It is my dubious fortune to be afflicted with visionary abilities of a curious nature that sometimes permit me unsettling perceptions of what I take to be highly symbolised images of some import that I cannot always interpret intelligibly.

Recently I, and my sodales, experienced a vision of this sort involving a series of cthonic pillars and a large dragonlike creature. My sodales, who claim to manifest powers of dream interpretation beyond my own meagre skills in this area, suggested that this disturbing vision was a warning of some sort and felt that I should inform our sodales living in the mountains of this Tribunal. It is for this reason that I write you this missive.

I make no claims to the truth or the accuracy of my visions, I similarly make no claims as to their relevance to you - regardless of their veracity. However, if any of you wish to discuss the nature of these visions with me I would be prepared to do so. I invite you to reply to this letter and I will grant you the hospitality of our covenant for the customary period so that you may discuss any concerns you might have.

Ad vis per veritas, my sodales.

T. Tytalus fSer. Hilarius


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Page last modified on September 19, 2006, at 01:00 PM