From Robin's Wiki

FontisNiger: PasAPas


A series of standing stones stretches out along the countryside starting near the covenant. When walking along the stones during a night of the full moon it is possible to enter what appears to be a regio. In this regio it is possible to read inscriptions on the stones. When the last stone is reached a new one can be seen in the distance, extending the line of stones and the text inscribed on them every time the path is walked.

The inscription

Step by step we walk the mysterious path
A bright night takes us one step closer to enlightenment.
Beware of what lies ahead for only few were meant to be its master
Walking the path of darkness you shall not falter.
What once was lost will be recovered.
We passed into darkness but she remains.
Resting in darkness she awaits the saviour.
The light of the full moon will be your guide.
The orbs of moonlight are the key.

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Page last modified on November 02, 2007, at 09:59 PM