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FontisNiger: Pascal

Pascal du Bois (Chris Thomas)

As you turn to see if something is burning you spot a dishevelled young man. If your gaze lingers to be sure the fellow isn't on fire himself his lively eyes catch yours. His face brightens and he seems eager to talk, but waits politely for you to speak first.


Pascal was born Fabian Betterave in 1205, the third son of the noble Betterave family of Calaise. He studied as a clerk and was expected to take holy orders, but when he admitted to his superiors he had Second Sight he was accused of heresy and damned. His family were disgraced and disowned him. Fabian fled Brittany to escape the charges against him and constant harassment by his family. Calling himself Pascal he traveled south, picked up the local language swiftly, and discovered a talent for haggling. He managed to keep himself alive by collecting firewood and other heating fuel and trading in the villages as he traveled. Arriving in the Province of Languedoc he left the influence of his family behind however he still fears persecution by the Church. Pascal has spent time trading in most towns and villages and currently makes a living as a charcoal burner in the woods near Bugarach. He is known in the area as an itinerant trader and has many satisfied customers, but he avoids settling in one place as he does not feel safe anywhere.


The first thing people notice about Pascal is the smokey redolence. If they look past their nose they will see a lean, swarthy fellow with short black hair and bright blue eyes. Pascal usually wears a robust close fitting coat and a loose leather cap, both are singed and soot-stained. If he is plying his trade there will probably be sacks of charcoal and a blackened apron too. His stance is open and friendly, his eyes are at once inquisitive and insecure, and he speaks well although his accent is difficult to place.


Generally chatty and inviting Pascal's interest in other people serves mainly to avoid revealing himself. His appearance fits his trade but his bearing suggests a higher station, despite his abashed modesty. A keen business sense and talent for languages exercise his intelligence without betraying his education. So long as people don't dig too deep he is bright and pleasant company, if somewhat distracted.

Anyone may notice Pascal does not attend church. In fact he will avoid the church and it's agents as far as possible, without being impolite or drawing attention. If anyone took the effort they might also notice he cannot always vouch for where he has been all the time. Having learned to his disadvantage how some people treat the second sight Pascal fosters a flighty manner to explain his odd turns.


Characteristics: INT 1; PER 0; STR 0; STA 0; PRE 2; COM 2; DEX 0; QIK 0
Virtues: Affinity with Ability - Bargain; Cautious with Ability - Guile; Craftsman - charcoal burner; Educated; Learn Ability from Mistakes - Second Sight; Privileged Upbringing; Puissant Ability - Bargain; Social Contacts - blacksmiths; Well Traveled - France
Flaws: Black Sheep; Fear - The Church; Low Self-esteem; Second Sight; Social Handicap - smells of smoke; Temperate
Traits: Size 0; Confidence 0 (0); Reputation 2 Heresy - local (Calaise); Personality Restless +2, Chatty +1, Secure -1
Abilities: Artes Liberales 2 (arithmetic); Bargain 5 (contract to supply); Charm 2 (clergy); Craft - charcoal 3 (forge); Dead Language - Latin 4 (writing); Etiquette 4 (Church); Folk Ken 2 (clergy); Guile 2 (clergy); Living Language - Arabic 2 (trade); Living Language - Greek 4 (writing); Living Language - S. French 4 (trade); Living Language - Spanish 1 (trade); Native Language - N. French 5 (writing); Profession - trader 2 (fuel); Second Sight 4 (regio); Single Weapon 3 (short sword); Survival 4 (forest)


1225 Autumn Margot comes to bargain for charcoal and a fiendish wolf appears.
1226 Winter While visiting the Peche for the storytelling competition, Pascal helps the scholars investigate the disappearance of the Mountain King.
1227 Spring Pascal travels to Carcasonne to act as interpreter for Zola who, as Zanebono, wins a contract to construct the city walls. He contrives with Zebeebah to snatch a hair from Jeffery for an arcane connexion.
1227 Summer Staying on in Carcasonne to build the walls, Pascal and Zola meet Kristina who is gathering vis for Mistridge in the quarry.
1227 Autumn Pascal and Zola return to Bugarach and the Peche.
1228 Spring Further investigations into the Mountain King's disappearance lead to a fairy cave. Pascal is seriously injured when the cave collapses.\\

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Page last modified on January 11, 2009, at 12:54 PM