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FontisNiger: TitusActivities

Titus' Seasonal Activities

Summer 1220 / 1359

Partially set-up laboratory; draft charter principles; meet and greet an undead Roman miner (+5 Adventure).

Autumn 1220 / 1359

Invent the Aegis of the Hearth (ReVi 20) with the help of a lab text (+2 Magic Theory); get knocked unconscious during a fracas with Zephyrus the West Wind; avoid quaesitorial censure (+1 Code of Hermes).

Winter 1220 / 1359

Finish setting up laboratory (+3 Magic Theory (1 bonus?)); plan and perform Aegis of the Hearth ritual; determine the substance of the charter.

Spring 1221 / 1360

Spend all season, more or less, lurking in the lab inventing harmful PeVi spells and minding the covenant while the other magi lark about - or something like that (+2 Magic Theory).

Summer 1221 / 1360

Invent InVi vis-hunting spells (+2 Magic Theory); have a strange collective dream which includes a vision of a dragon flying over some mountainous pillars; be forced to talk about said dream rather more than would be liked by pesky socii.

Autumn 1221 / 1360

Translate lab texts from personal notations for the library; take a trip to Toulouse to meet our sodales at Domus Liber. (+6 Adventure: +1 Langue d'Oc, +1.5 Penetration, +1 Concentration, +3 Magic Theory).

Winter 1221 / 1360

Enjoy the spectacle of the storytelling competition and related events; have a visionary dream of a rowan tree and a talking wolf; read On Improving Magical Defences (+15 Parma Magica).

Spring 1222 / 1361

Fix The Ashes of Zephyrus in the laboratory; take a trip to a living magical forest and strike a deal with it (+6 Adventure: Magic Lore +2, Penetration +3, Vim +3) AC; correspond with Nicholatus (+1.5 Vim).

Summer 1222 / 1361

Experiment and invent Ear for Faerie Might in the laboratory - with a slight side-effect (+2 Magic Theory); examine Arwa for non-magical powers; arrange for the purchase of a couple of Vim tractatus from Domus Liber; correspond with Nicholatus (+1.5 Vim).

Autumn 1222 / 1361

Extract four pawns of Vim vis to pay for the tractatus; engage the West Wind in magical contests, demonstrating the supremacy of offensive Vim magic! (+4 Adventure: +6 Vim); correspond with Nicholatus (+1.5 Vim).

Winter 1222 / 1361

Read Introduction to Penetration (+19.5 Penetration); sit around and listen to some stories; perform the Aegis ritual and (inattentively) attend council, pledge to work on the problem of Zephyrus; correspond with Nicholatus (+1.5 Vim).

Spring 1223 / 1362

Start inventing A Command That Faerie's Must Obey spell (+2 Magic Theory); correspond with Nicholatus (+1.5 Vim).

Summer 1223 / 1362

Finish inventing A Command That Faerie's Must Obey (+2 Magic Theory); correspond with Nicholatus (+1.5 Vim).

Autumn 1223 / 1362

Install a set of engraved diagrams in laboratory (+2 Magic Theory); correspond with Nicholatus (+1.5 Vim).

Winter 1223 / 1362

Read Manipulation of Vis (+15 Vim); lead the Aegis ritual and (grudgingly) attend council, pledge to invent a complex spell to assist with quaesitorial work; correspond with Nicholatus (+1.5 Vim).

Spring 1224 / 1363

Read On the Benefits of Metamagic (+16.5 Vim); correspond with Nicholatus (+1.5 Vim).

Summer 1224 / 1363

Work on laboratory to improve its Refinement; journey to, and attend, the Provencal Tribunal of 1363 (+4 Adventure: +4 Intrigue); correspond with Nicholatus (+1.5 Vim).

Autumn 1224 / 1363

Start inventing A Scent of Inactive Magic (+3 Vim); correspond with Nicholatus (+1.5 Vim).

Winter 1224 / 1363

Finish inventing A Scent of Inactive Magic(+3 Vim); lead the Aegis ritual and attend council to induct Anatole into the covenant, pledge to provide two books on Vim for the covenant library; correspond with Nicholatus (+1.5 Vim).

Spring 1225 / 1364

Putter around in laboratory installing expensive equipment in order to expand it (+2 Magic Theory); correspond with Nicholatus (+1.5 Vim).

Summer 1225 / 1364

Extract five pawns of vis (+2 Magic Theory) (personal stocks 5p); correspond with Nicholatus (+1.5 Vim).

Autumn 1225 / 1364

Extract five pawns of vis (+2 Magic Theory) (personal stocks 10p); correspond with Nicholatus (Vim +1.5).

Winter 1225 / 1364

Extract five pawns of vis (+2 Magic Theory) (personal stocks 15p); perform the Aegis ritual and attend council, pledge five pawns of vim vis (personal stocks 10p); set off to the Giant's Skull!

Spring 1226 / 1365

Travel to, and arrive at, the Giant's Skull; practice a spell (+10 Spell Mastery) and hob-nob with old sodales.

Summer 1226 / 1365

Assist parens with the creation of own longevity ritual (+2 Magic Theory); set off for Infractus Summis Revividus.

Autumn 1226 / 1365

Travel to, and arrive at, Infractus Summis Revividus; read Information Acquisition (+15 Intellego).

Winter 1226 / 1365

Extract five pawns of vis (+2 Magic Theory) (personal stocks 5p); perform the Aegis ritual and attend council, pledge to make new Aegis; correspond with Nicholatus (+1.5 Vim). Perform longevity ritual (vis from covenant stocks 6p, +12 bonus).

Spring 1227 / 1366

Begin invention of a sixth magnitude Aegis of the Hearth (+2 Magic Theory); correspond with Nicholatus (+1.5 Vim).

Summer 1227 / 1366

Extract five pawns of vis (+2 Magic Theory) (personal stocks 10p); correspond with Nicholatus (+1.5 Vim).

Autumn 1227 / 1366

Open the rowan rod from the Forest of Wolves as a talisman (+2 Magic Theory, 6p Vim) and unlock it's Vim magic properties (Shape and Material +2 Vim); correspond with Nicholatus (+1.5 Vim).

Winter 1227 / 1366

Study from Information Acquisition (+15 Intellego); perform the Aegis ritual and attend council - still inventing the new Aegis of the Hearth;correspond with Nicholatus (+1.5 Vim).

Spring 1228 / 1367

Finish invention of a sixth magnitude Aegis of the Hearth (+2 Magic Theory); correspond with Nicholatus (+1.5 Vim).

Summer 1228 / 1367

Autumn 1228 / 1367

Winter 1228 / 1367

Spring 1229 / 1368

Summer 1229 / 1368

Autumn 1229 / 1368

Winter 1229 / 1368

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Page last modified on August 20, 2008, at 01:17 AM