From Robin's Wiki

GiffydollsReflection: GiffyDoll

GiffyDoll is one fun hun. She is currently residing in Wellington NZ, but has strong links to Dunedin as well. Oh, and Thailand. GiffyDoll is half Thai and recently went on holiday there. The main purpose of this wiki was to have a record of that trip.

Oh yeah, Giffy studied at Teachers College last year and is now working as a teacher. You too can do this, it only takes a year of study... come join us!

GiffyDoll is also quite addicted to UltimaLegacy, costuming (did you not notice the pic on the homepage?) and roleplaying (mostly tabletop and NOT AD&D). Oooh yeah!

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Page last modified on January 12, 2005, at 02:50 AM