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GrandStrategy: GameWorld

Game World


Futuristic/Scifi Takes place in "a given" Solar System, with all faction starting on "the main planet"


At different times in the distant past, the main planet was the centre of both system-wide and star-spanning "empires". These periods of "extension" occurred a long ass time ago (on a sort of "decamillenial" timescale). It is possible that FTL travel was attainable in some way, during the periods of extension on a stellar scale (i.e. between galaxies). This is not the case currently. The system is prone to sort of nuking itself back into the stone age. Across the system are the remnants of various preceeding system-wide or stellar-wide empires; caches of tech, miracle cures, weird structures or vessels, bizarre terraforming, the leftovers of system and galactic information networks, the works. On the main planet there is a similar sort of thing, although the more high-end "archaeotech" is not around. The current situation is that on the main planet both the will, the need, and the tech to begin a rebuilding of a systemwide society has coincided. The players are members of various factions who all want to have a stake in the expansion of the core society across the planets, moons, and artifical environments of the system.


Colonial/Exploration/Exploitation divisions of larger groups/corps.

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