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IronKingdoms: Tasks


Things people are trying to do.


Serricsteel is valuable
Given the Khadoran blockade of the black river, Serricsteel, and any other Rhulic import is of significantly increased value, if you recover some Angmar Pitt would be able to work with it to create weapons of exceptional quality, as well as provide monetary gratitude.

Completed Tasks

Things people are no longer trying to do, for one reason or the other.



Visit the Seer
Kraths Village faces some vague Danger, the Seer at Dhunias Hold may know more, find out before its too late.

Due to a Shipwreck, Krath arrived at Dhunias Hold in time to hear that whatever danger faced the village had come and gone.

"Fat Eddie Ordered It"
Iago swears he was ordered by Fat Eddie to set Tam up to take the fall for his Heist.

After meeting with Mr Eddie, it became apparent that Iago was lying through his teeth, and has thus earned the ire of Fat Eddie and his associates, Reg and Thorn. Bad luck Iago.

There have been some Disruptions in work lately
A Client of Fat Eddie has been having troubles, a rival printing press has been sabotaging their equipment in an effort to muscle them out of the business. Fat Eddie would appreciate it if something would happen to this rival company. and these recently recaptured gremlins should do quite nicely.

After a flamboyant display of misdirection allowed the gremlins to be released without violence. Apparently this was quite successful, and the company is beginning to suffer 'setbacks'


Very Old Book
Munchenburg has discovered what he believes to be the location of an old crypt, holding the remains of a monk Brogan Cathmore, and hopefully a copy of his book. If this book can be recovered it would be valued greatly by an associate of his in Fellig.

After some travel, some expert trap detection, and one incident involving a swordfight and some bruised egos, the book was recovered and sold along with two others for significant profit.


Asset Recovery
Rupert Charlesworth is encouraging you to be usefull to him by recovering a stolen golden orb from some ex-employees of his, he wants you to go and get it before he sends his own men in to deal with these traitors.

Double Crosses abound as bullets and crossbow bolts fly, in the end, the party is left standing but bloodstained, and charlesworth is left without his orb, or a pulse.



Back Home
Pierres fiancee Viviann was apparently sent back to Llael, Pierre is obviously eager to reunite with her and escape again with her to the relative safety of Cygnar.

Viviann has been engaged to a Khadoran businessman named Mishka, who's intentions seem honourable. Pierre has declared his intent to purge the land of the occupying force and return to claim her, but until that time, Viviann seems to be safe.

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Page last modified on March 07, 2006, at 01:04 AM