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LandsApart: Races

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For descriptive text refer to the 2nd edition Birthright Rulebook. For game stats see below.

As per the 3.5 edition PHB, except the racial attack bonus applies to orogs & goblinoids, not orcs & goblinoids.

There will be no elven PC regents or lieutenants in this game.

There are no gnomes in this game.

Half Elf
As per the 3.5 edition PHB.

Half Orc
There are no half orcs in this game.

As per the 3.5 edition PHB, except Cerilian halflings can use the following spell-like abilities once per day: detect evil, detect necromantic magic, detect undead. Once per week a halfling may move into OR out of the shadow world (but not both). DM approval is needed before a player can introduce a halfling into the game. This will rarely be given.

As per the 3.5 edition PHB. Differences between the various Birthright human cultures are descriptive. They involve no game mechanic bonuses or penalties.


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Page last modified on January 12, 2005, at 02:50 AM