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MastersWork: NumericalNotes

These are points found in the testing of numerical problems.

The representations used are: base 10?, base 2?, Gray coding?, real coding?.

The functions are De Jong's, Rosenbrock's valley, Rotated hyper-ellipsoid function, Rastrigin's function, Schwefel's function, Griewangk's function, and Ackley's Path function.

 base 10base 2Grayreal
De Jong's (1)All perform equally
Hyper-ellipsoid (3)All similarNotably better
Rosenbrock's (4)All similarNotably better, right from start
Rastringin's (5)All similarVery slightly worse
Schwefel's (6)All similarNotably worse*
Griewangk's (7)All perform equally
Ackley's (9)All similarNotably worse
Branins's (12)All similarSomewhat better

* This shows an interesting pattern: the real coding is very marginally better for a while, and then all of a sudden it stops increasing as fast.

Preliminary conclusions:

Thoughts about the why:

Things to look at around this:

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Page last modified on January 12, 2006, at 07:07 PM