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MastersWork: RefBierwirth1995

A Generalized Permutation Approach to Job Shop Scheduling with Genetic Algorithms

Christian Bierwirth


In order to sequence the tasks of a job shop problem (JSP) on a number of machines related to the technological machine order of jobs, a new representation technique -- mathematically known as "permutation with repetition" is presented. The main advantage of this single chromosome representation is -- in analogy to the permutation scheme of the traveling salesman problem (TSP) -- that it cannot produce illegal sets of operation sequences (infeasible symbolic solutions). As a consequence of the representation scheme a new crossover operator preserving the initial scheme structure of permutations with repetition will be sketched. Its behavior is similar to the well known Order-Crossover for simple permutation schemes. Actually the GOX operator for permutations with repetition arises from a Generalisation of OX. Computational experiments show, that GOX passes the information from a couple of parent solutions efficiently to offspring solutions. Together, the new representation and GOX support the cooperative aspect of the genetic search for scheduling problems strongly.


 @misc{ bierwirth95generalized,
   author = "C. Bierwirth",
   title = "A generalized permutation approach to job shop 
            scheduling with genetic algorithms",
   text = "Bierwirth, C., 1995, A generalized permutation
           approach to job shop scheduling with genetic
           algorithms, OR Spektrum, 17, 87-92.",
   year = "1995" }


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