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MastersWork: RefGonzalezFernandez2000

Genetic optimisation of a fuzzy distribution model

Enrique López Gonzá lez; Miguel A Rodríguez Fernández


Distribution problems deal with distribution from a number of sources to a number of destinations. Each source offers amounts of goods, while each destination demands quantities of these goods. The object is to find the cheapest transporting schedule that satisfies demand without violating supply restraints. In this paper we propose the use of fuzzy sets to represent the provisional information related to costs, demands and other variables. Moreover, we suggest including the problem of shortest route for the distribution vehicles. Finally, to solve this complex problem we propose using a genetic algorithm with a fuzzy fitness function.


URL: (local filename p681.pdf)


Uses a GA to massage matrices to solve a more complex than standard TSP. Also uses fuzzy sets. Representation is just numbers, however the mutation is quite domain specific.

< RefGilbert1958 | ReferencesFound | RefHassanTazaki2004 >

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