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MastersWork: RefSingh2002

Giving Genes their Voice: A Survey of information Expression Mechanisms in Genetic Algorithms

Abhishek Singh


Advances in the theory of GAs? have led to an understanding of their underlying behavior as well as the problems faced by such algorithms, leading to efforts to effectively deal with such challenges. It is indeed remarkable how many of the mechanisms tackling such issues have their metaphors in nature. These mechanisms can be broadly classified into information processing (ways to process and generate GA information to make good evolutionary decisions) and information expression (ways to represent and express information within a GA to guide the information processing) mechanisms. This review aims at collecting, organizing, and presenting some of the salient work done in the latter. This includes the phenomenon of non-functional coding, information redundancy, dominance, gene expression, pleiotropy, and polygeny among others. This survey attempts to look at all of these under the seemingly vast rubric of genetic information expression. One of the attempts of this study is to reveal the underlying connections between these phenomena and to present them in a practical problem-solving framework vis-à-vis GA practice and theory.



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