From Robin's Wiki

PseudoBritannia: MIRCTutorial

The Great Guide to mIRC

Step 1. Learn to ignore the irrelevant.

There is a great deal of clutter in mIRC. Your first task in learning how to use its many functions is to learn how to ignore most of them.

step 1. ignore the irrelevant

Ignore the irrelevant, and press the button as shown in the picture.

Step 2. Personalize your options.

As with any program made for communication, you need to set your nickname. Unlike most programs made for communication, you also need to set a backup. This is a nickname that will be used in the event that your usual is in use.

step 2. personalize your options.

Set your nickname and alternative, then go to IRC->Messages as shown in the picture.

Step 3. Personalize your quit message.

This is where you put obscure quotes and references. Put a quit message here. You must do so. This is important. Do not question it.

step 3. personalize your quit message.

Did you do it? Good. Now onward to next step and go to Connect->Servers as shown in the picture.

Step 4. Choose the correct server to connect to.

This is where you choose the correct server. There are a great many servers, but for the roleplaying we'll be using Dalnet. You can choose a different one, but, this tutorial isn't about that. This is a tutorial about connecting to the correct server using mIRC. Not going around exploring the many choices one has on the internet for IRC servers. So choose Dalnet off the list.

step 4. choose Dalnet

After opening the list, you'll need to guide your way to any of the Dalnet servers.

any of these!

Choose random if you want to choose all of them. If you have a favorite, you can also choose an individual one. But, the servers that aren't your favorite will feel sad and unloved. Will you care? No? How heartless of you!

now click connect.

After that, just hit connect to server.

Step 5. Choosing the right channel.

Now that you have chosen the right server, and hit connect, you should be connected. It'll take a bit of time. You will at first be spammed with text. Then a window will open showing your choice of channels. You will choose none that are in the list! None of them! Instead, you will type in #pseudobritannia

Step 5. Choosing the right channel.

Click join, and you will be in the correct room.


Wait, what? "What about all those other buttons at the top of the screen", you say?

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Page last modified on February 16, 2006, at 07:46 PM