From Robin's Wiki

PseudoBritannia: Places

Places along the Way

A selection of locales, prosaic and mysterious.

Home Towns

Blackwood Vale, a small logging town, famed for its darkwood, in the foothills of the Haunted Peaks near Spirithold. The fief of of the Blackwood Chanseths and Mirava's home town.

Two Moons Monastery, a monastery in the Shielding Ranges near the town of Kendalton. Home of the Order of the Dancing Moons, a monastic Spiritual Order.

Holes In The Ground

The Abandoned Mine, near Silverton, the mine was haunted by ogres who were kidnapping passing travellers and by a strange burrowing creature with crazy eyes. Yorick the merchant's niece, and other travellers, were rescued from here. An unidentified ruin contained an urn of ashes and a sword belonging to one "Yeverex".

The Noisy Cave, a narrowing fissure in the rock high in the mountains near Paws.

The Other Cave, a wider and more accessible cave in the mountains near Paws, currently well-guarded by armed troops under the command of Matthew - for some reason...


The Adventurers' Guild, an inn near the waterfront of Avalon that has developed into a central place for adventurous sorts to congregate and seek employment. Ismene and Pascal were met here.

The Green Jug, a wineshop in Avalon, near the waterfront; apparently a slightly infamous spot. Met Pascal here for a quiet talk, also briefly encountered the mysterious Radha here while sneaking around.

Master Kell's Tower, one of the four towers that stand in Avalon's harbour and the former home of the mildly famous magician, Kell the Wizard; now the home of his student Pascal.

The University of Avalon, the principal repository of higher learning in Avalon; a sprawling cliffside series of stone buildings. Home of Susanna the Lorist, a famous Green Apple.


Adurach House, the residence of Prince Celestyn Adurach, situated atop Heroes Hill with a wide view of the city and the harbour. A crypt on the grounds contains the tombs of some of Jhelom's ancient heroes.

The Crappy Inn, an inn with a sign so dilapidated it is now impossible to read. Home to a rough crowd of touts, tarts, cheats, and ruffians. Avoid the stew.

Vikram's oddly narrow shop on Twelve Tree Square maintained by one of the finest swordsmiths in all of Britannia.

Count Simon's Residence, in the main part of Jhelom. Not as grand as the abode of princes, but a prime piece of real estate with a flat roof for easier break-ins. Now missing a few doors.

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Page last modified on January 07, 2007, at 03:48 PM