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PseudoBritannia: Skaraeletter

The letter is sealed with wax bearing the design of Valicus Hunter's signet ring.


I send word from the roads of the King's highway. I wish to let you know that I am well and have been truly experiencing the world. I have been from Silverton to Avalon, Paws, and even Jhelom.

With all pleasantries aside, I need tell that I have come to contact a most interesting ancestor. I spoke with Lord Celestyn, a current prince of Jhelom, and he beseeched me to contact his ancestor. It is refreshing to see, almost as a first outside our isle, someone requesting anything about/from their ancestors. It is truly eye opening the lack of care that is given to the passed of most of greater Avalon. The ancestor, named Karol, was a former King of Jhelom. All before the time of our King of Avalon. I had to create a proper area for him to gain contact, although perhaps I was lucky as well and the day I tried had some greater importance than I knew at the time.

I spoke with Karol limitedly, before I allowed him access to my body to speak with Lord Celestyn. It would follow that Lord Celestyn gained the advice to follow a Heroquest to unite Jhelom again under one king. After doing such a quest, a war has now broken out at the walls of Jhelom. Lord Celestyn now defending from the interior of the city. Questioning if this was a wise choice, I sought to contact Karol.

I did try and make contact with Karol again, although I was thwarted by what I could only call a sinister cult. I had a terrible time trying to reopen the spirit world to call upon Karol, and ended up only fatigued for my trying. A shadowy figure came forward in the room and told me it had stopped my contact. Within that very night I had discovered the cult, one that hides beneath the city streets of Jhelom from an entrance found in the ill used town hall. We donned hooded robes of their order and witnessed a ritual to cast man to another form, with horrible swords as appendages. Thankfully a fellow companion disturbed the ritual, but before doing so I believe the cultists spoke about me and how I was to be murdered. We quickly made egress out of the situation and had a confrontation on a merchant's vessel with two cultists. As my letter duly shows, we were the victors. One of the cultist used a sword, which I now carry, as a fetish of sorts. He used the spirit's energy to boost his own as a speaker or listener would. I believe I can not hold the blade for long, but I would try and get answers from this spirit if possible.

Before I forget, Lord Celestyn requested the aid of Skarae Brae in sending a speaker to properly train some of his retinue in our arts. I think it wise to allow Jhelom some time to balance, and have a clear "victor" decided. From speaking with Lord Celestyn, I do believe it is an earnest attempt to honor the ancestors of all Jhelom.

For now I am resigned to the outside of Paws. I hope you can give some clarity to an otherwise murky situation. Tell any carrier that you send that I am currently with Captain Matthew's lot, as anyone in the city should be able to direct your letter to me.

May the wisdom of our ancestors keep you,

Valicus Hunter

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Page last modified on March 26, 2007, at 02:59 AM