From Robin's Wiki

PseudoBritannia: Sword

Mira's handwriting continues. A rough sketch of both box and sword and rubbings of runes accompany the writing.

A charcoal rubbing of the box

- Writing on the box, as translated by Susanna of Avalon: “Here is the tool of Yeverex. Let him take it on his great journey and let him bless us, his kin, when he reaches its end.”

- Writing on the blade, as translated by Susanna: "Strike ever true against the ancient foe." and "The force and the hope of we, the people of this kinship."

It seems the writing is in the language of magic, and the sword itself is enchanted to be more effective against some creature, or sort of person, or group of people. It was also crafted of a metal unknown to Susanna.

We were referred to Vikram of Jhelom, a smith, and may have more knowledge about the mysterious metal used.

-made of some sort of "metal bone"

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Page last modified on January 19, 2007, at 04:25 PM