From Robin's Wiki

SpaceMush: Timeline

A Rough Timeline of the Space Travel era (ST)

pre 0ST - a whole bunch of stuff
0ST - reasonably fast sub-luminal drives discovered (about 20-25% of C?)
10ST - sub-luminal colonisation efforts in nearby star-systems
maybe have a colonial succession/war here and push the "Malthusian Chaos" back a bit? ~100ST - "Malthusian Chaos"; population pressures in core-system and the near stars increase to unmanageable levels
115ST - first "sleepership" exploration and colonisation vessels launched
115-200ST - "Sleeping Diaspora"; many many sleeperships launched
~200ST - terrestrial and core-system population pressures alleviated, sleepership launches become less frequent
203ST - final sleepership launch
650ST - "jumpship" technology perfected enough to faciliate instant, or near-instant, transfer over extremely long distances
650-700ST - "The Great Scramble"; jumpships from various states rapidly claim star systems in a rough "bubble", some limited space wars occur, "reintegration" of some of the sleepership colonies occurs
725ST - Colonies placed under the oversight and management of 'patron' governments from the core worlds. Commonly the states in which the sleeperships were originated.
850ST - Gate-building projects commence
873ST - "The Long Conflict" begins; corporations and governments feud over who has dominant control over the Gate Network through use of proxy wars between colonies and their patron worlds. Gate network is at 40%.
898ST - "The Long Conflict" ends; in the destruction of the Kaiser Moon through use of nanite warfare. Gate network is kept in the hands of its creator corporations with the oversight of the local state's government, as regulated by the guidelines set by its patron core-government. Gate Network is at 63%
899ST - Planets sign agreement for the end of all automated nanite study and production.
914ST - "The Soverign Movement" begins; the older colony begin to move against their patron government with the intent of becoming independent of gate use regulations. Fear of a second Long Conflict keeps the core worlds from acting militarily.
915ST - Gate-building projects mostly finished, gate-network is 85% operational.
916ST - [story starts here]

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Page last modified on July 10, 2005, at 11:24 AM