From Robin's Wiki

SteelDemons: AgentGuidoChindamo

Agent Guido Chindamo

Guido is an Italian-American veteran FBI agent who has seen more than his share of death and mutilation close up, he is kind of burned out about it and outwardly has an apathetic attitude about his job. However despite the outward view he is a man who does care about justice, illustrated by his willingness to stall the authorities to give the party time to clear Peter. He tends to be rude and abrupt to people, according to him it is his way of coping with seeing the harsh brutality of a murder scene.


He typically wears cheap suit that appears as though he has slept in it the last three nights in a row and has a permanent five o'clock shadow. He has a mop of dirty blonde hair tangled with neglect and wears an expression of weary determination on his face.

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Page last modified on January 15, 2008, at 11:29 PM