From Robin's Wiki

SteelDemons: CornieliusBarber

Cornielius Barber

The long serving butler of the long since passed Wilcot family, he was one of the casualties during the infamous Wilcot family massacre where Mr Wilcot murdered his entire family along with Cornielius who just happened to be in the way at the time. He was doomed to relive that fateful night with regularity where Percival cut him into pieces out in the gazebo. Fortunately for Cornielius he was freed of that curse by the actions of the party, in order to show his thanks he wishes to remain on the grounds and tend to the new party as well as assisting in restoring the grand manor to it's former glory.

Archetype: Ghost

Primary Avs: Creature Powers, Info(High Society), Groundskeeping, Hospitality

Description Cornielius looks to be at least in his late fifties, white hair and balding. He does however hold himself to perfect posture at all times. He typically is seen wearing a white shirt, tailored vest and black slacks.

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Page last modified on January 15, 2008, at 01:32 AM