From Robin's Wiki

SteelDemons: DasMannpanzer

Das Mannpanzer

Mannpanzer shot to overnight fame in New York city after being implicated in the dockyards shootouts and his subsequent rescue of a wounded civilian from the last gunfight. He is clearly against the Nazis who he shows little mercy towards, he has also been observed in the company of Mei Jing. He is most well known for his ethertech armoured suit that he wears into battle. This suit allows him to survive high caliber gunfire, give him enough strength to wield heavy machine-guns without being slowed down and the ability to fly via an inbuilt jetpack.


When in his armour he appears to literally be a walking tank, the armour itself loosely resembles world war I era trench raider armour but massively bulked out to form several angular surfaces which deflect bullets quite well. He also wears the iconic Stalhelm with this armour as well as a pair of thick goggles.

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Page last modified on January 16, 2008, at 12:37 AM