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SteelDemons: ExperimentalMookUnitRules

Experimental Mook Unit Rules

The rationale behind this was to ease the paperwork required when dealing with lots of rapidly dying and reinforcing mooks.

Each squad of mooks counts as a named character, the statistics of the "Mook Character Unit" is dependent on the skill of the individual mooks and the number.

Each mook character unit can make multiple attacks without penalty however depending on the amount of mooks in that unit. As the unit takes wound points the number of attacks can be reduced as the number of mooks is reduced. This applies to all characteristics, look up the action values for a group of ten triad mooks it will use that statline until it takes ten wound points, thus making it an eight man group and it will use the statline listed for an eight man group.

Examples of generating unit stats

Number of Attacks

Number of mooks / 2


1-3 = 1 attack

3-5 = 2 attacks

6-7 = 3 attacks

Number of starting wound points

(number of mooks x 5)

For example a single mook would count as a named character with 5 hitpoints, however the hit points for a group of five mooks would be 25 and so on.

Action Values * Note only combat action values are affected by this) Unit AV = Base action value + (number of mooks / 10 (rounded down)


A group of 5 triad mooks with guns 7 martial arts 8

AVs? Guns(7 + (5 / 10))=7, Martial Arts(8 + (5 / 10))=8

A Beowulf's Blades Strike 12 man Team with 9 guns and martial arts 7

AVs? Guns(9 + (12 / 10))=10, Martial Arts(7 + (12 / 10))=8

Body stats are the same as the original mook type that the group is composed of. If mixing mooks of multiple strengths use the most dominant as the base stat but give a +1 av bonus if the minority group if better than the majority or -1 if the minority is worse than the majority.

Offer revised version of mook killing schticks to ensure that they are still effective against these groups.

Examples of Mook Units

Triad Goons

Staple of the Jade Knives, these guys are draw from the various Tongs that conduct business in new York City, they ten to be aligned with one of the sorcerer lords that their Tong answers to.

Base Stats Action Values: Guns 7, Martial Arts 8, Intimidation 7, Info(Triads) 7

3 (Avs Guns 7, Martial Arts 8) (Attacks 1) (Wound Points 15)

5 (Avs Guns 7, Martial Arts 8) (Attacks 2) (Wound Points 25)

8 (Avs Guns 7, Martial Arts 8) (Attacks 4) (Wound Points 40)

10 (Avs Guns 8, Martial Arts 9) (Attacks 5) (Wound Points 50)

15 (Avs Guns 8, Martial Arts 9) (Attacks 7) (Wound Points 75)

20 (Avs Guns 10, Martial Arts 11) (Attacks 10) (Wound Points 100)

Beowulf's Blades

The ranks of the Beowulf's Blades consist of some of the most dedicated Nazi party members. They are utterly loyal and also reinforced for occultic oaths of fealty of ensure that even if captured they do not reveal anything. Their training is also some of the best in the world.

Base Stats Action Values: Guns 9, Martial Arts 7, Intimidation 7, Info(Nazi) 7

3 (Avs Guns 9, Martial Arts 7) (Attacks 1) (Wound Points 15)

5 (Avs Guns 9, Martial Arts 7) (Attacks 2) (Wound Points 25)

8 (Avs Guns 9, Martial Arts 7) (Attacks 4) (Wound Points 40)

10 (Avs Guns 9, Martial Arts 8) (Attacks 5) (Wound Points 50)

15 (Avs Guns 9, Martial Arts 8) (Attacks 7) (Wound Points 75)

20 (Avs Guns 10, Martial Arts 9) (Attacks 10) (Wound Points 100)

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Page last modified on February 08, 2008, at 01:06 PM