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SteelDemons: JanosHarzovy

Janos Harzovy alias John Harris

Janos was born in Romania, but his family emigrated to the United States of America when he was very young. Originally some sort of local nobility, the Harzovy clan has moved into industry and control one of the leading industrial concerns on the east coast. Janos, who goes by the name John Harris to spare Americans the effort of mangling his name, is a bit of a dilletante most of the time but does give some attention to both the new family business (industrial engineering) and the old (sorcery); he tends to prefer the latter however.

Janos, being of Eastern European noble stock, has handsome features, dark hair,and a piercing mysterious gaze. he wears well-cut suits and coats and habitually carries a suitcase - which contains esoteric paraphenalia.

Archetype: Sorcerer
Dramatic Hook: coming!
Schticks: Blast (fire, disintegration, conjured weapons); Divination; Healing; Influence; Summoning.

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Page last modified on January 30, 2008, at 02:29 PM