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TricksyDisciples: HomePage

Project 'Tricksy Disciples' - an alternative online RPG environment

Stuff goes here!

And stuff will.

Stuff like:


Rules & Administration Type Stuff

Setting & World Building Stuff

Mechanics & System Stuff

Philosophical & 'What is RP' Type Stuff?

Trith: I'll get Iocus' potential problems up here sometime, and I might even reply to them. I also don't think we need to go crazy with the subsections just yet, but if people want to just go for it. Robin (friendly webmaster type guy) will tell us if we are making too much of a mess.

Trithemius outlines the 'absolute potential' character creation system:
"Well, what do we think about about the 'absolute potential' system? Iocus says it is technical viable, do we think it will survive contact with players?"
"We have a 'skill cap' of some value; it allows people to be compentent in several areas or to master one absolutely (obviously lower skill levels are going to be important with this system). Players, in their application, note what role their character will play and what skills will be important to them. When accepted, they access the 'character sheet' screen/gump/gui/wtf and specify their skills. This allows people to be crusty old veterans and novices;successful veterans have more stuff, and count as advanced PCs?. Background will be important, and must justify skills. No questionaires!"

Iocus offers criticism:
"Hmm... Here are the biggest issues:
1. Intimidates people very-very new at roleplaying.
2. Seems pointless for them to detail the skills and then make them set their skills as they explained, when the staff could as well or they could do something different. (What comes to mind is a character waiting room after making the character and perhaps emailing the app in for the character, then they can check it over and nod, perhaps props can be given at this stage...anyway, getting off topic)
3. What would the applications be scored and judged for?
4. We need a small world, a large world would be mostly wasted space as no need to hunt really.."

Trithemius answers #1:
"It is hard to overcome the intimidation - you yourself say you don't conventionally RP because of it; however, we can make it easy by helping people. In some ways, it is actually really good - because people have to -immediately- think about their character. They are going to have to do this all the time when they are in-game, the application means that they are under no illusions about this fact." Note: I presume that we are going for what people call a 'strict RP' environment?"

Trithemius answers #2-#4:
Still coming!

Interesting tangent:
[16:58] <Trithemius|> yeah, so i think 'rp nazis' have a bad rep
[16:58] <Trithemius|> it is not so much 'restricting your right to be OOC' but 'protecting others right to not have to deal with you being OOC'
[16:58] <Trithemius|> negative vs positive rights ^_^
[16:58] <Iocus> That would be how the rules would be best written
[16:59] <Trithemius|> being OOC in game is -not- a right :/

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Page last modified on May 03, 2005, at 10:45 PM