#!/usr/bin/perl -w # This is a proof-of-concept and test program for the iRATE client # external control plugin. # iRATE: http://irate.sf.net # Plugin specs: http://www.kallisti.net.nz/IrateDev/ExternalControlProto # Depends on XML::Simple, Digest::MD5 # Copyright (C) 2003 Robin Sheat # Released under the GNU General Public License # Version 0.04 - 19/3/2005 # $Id: irate-control.pl 995 2005-03-20 02:45:42Z eythian $ use XML::Simple; use IO::Socket; use Digest::MD5 qw(md5 md5_hex md5_base64); # Start by connecting to iRATE, default port is 12473 my $remote_host = ""; if (@ARGV) { $remote_host = shift @ARGV; } my $remote_port = "12473"; if (@ARGV) { $remote_port = shift @ARGV; } my $password = "mypassword"; if (@ARGV) { $password = shift @ARGV; } $socket = IO::Socket::INET->new(PeerAddr => $remote_host, PeerPort => $remote_port, Proto => "tcp", Type => SOCK_STREAM) or die "Couldn't connect to $remote_host:$remote_port : $!\n"; my ($test, $input) = undef; my ($finished, $poke) = 0; my %inputToRating = ( 1 => 0, 2 => 2, 3 => 5, 4 => 7, 5 => 10 ); # Do we need to login? my %command = ( 'type' => 'currenttrack' ); print $socket XMLout(\%command, rootname => 'Command'); my $reply = <$socket>; my %result = %{XMLin($reply)}; if ($result{type} eq "login-required") { # Plaintext login: # %command = ( # 'type' => 'login', # 'format' => 'plaintext', # 'password' => $password # ); # print $socket XMLout(\%command, rootname => 'Command'); # $reply = <$socket>; # %result = %{XMLin($reply)}; # if ($result{type} eq "login-failure") { # die "Invalid password!\n"; # } # Digest authentication # Request a challenge %command = ( 'type' => 'login', 'format' => 'digest-md5-getchallenge' ); print $socket XMLout(\%command, rootname => 'Command'); $reply = <$socket>; %result = %{XMLin($reply)}; my $challenge = $result{challenge}; # Create a response with the combination of the password and the # challenge %command = ( 'type' => 'login', 'format' => 'digest-md5', 'password' => md5_hex($password.$challenge) ); print $socket XMLout(\%command, rootname => 'Command'); $reply = <$socket>; %result = %{XMLin($reply)}; if ($result{type} eq "login-failure") { die "Invalid password!\n"; } } while (!$finished) { my $reply; if ($poke) { $reply = <$socket>; # we may need to throw away a line } $poke = 0; # Get the current track playing my %command = ( 'type' => 'currenttrack' ); print $socket XMLout(\%command, rootname => 'Command'); $reply = <$socket>; chomp $reply; my %result = %{XMLin($reply)}; print "Track:\t$result{artist} \\ $result{title}\n"; print "Plays:\t$result{numtimes}\n"; print "Rate:\t$result{state}\n\n"; print "[S]kip\t\t[P]ause/unpause\tSkip to [U]nrated\n"; print "[1] This sux\t[2] Yawn\t[3] Not bad\n"; print "[4] Cool\t[5] Love it\n"; print "[W]hats playing\t[Q]uit\n"; $test = undef; while (!$test) { $input = ; chomp $input; $test = $input =~ /^s|p|u|1|2|3|4|5|q|w$/i; } if ($input =~ /s/i) { %command = ( 'type' => 'skip' ); $poke = 1; } elsif ($input =~ /u/i) { %command = ( 'type' => 'skiptounrated' ); } elsif ($input =~ /p/i) { %command = ( 'type' => 'invert-pause' ); } elsif ($input =~ /q/i) { %command = ( 'type' => 'disconnect' ); $finished = 1; } elsif ($input =~ /1|2|3|4|5/) { %command = ( 'type' => 'rateplaying', 'rate' => $inputToRating{$input} ); $poke = 1; } print $socket XMLout(\%command, rootname => 'Command'); # work around for iRATE bug if ($input =~ /s|u|1/i) { sleep 3; # takes a moment for the player to change } } close($socket);