From Robin's Wiki

GrandStrategy: DataFlow

The data flow is a description of what information the players send to the GMs?, what information it interacts with there, and what goes back to the players. This will lead to solidifying the DataBase and system structure needed to have a program keep track of all the little bits of data that float around the game.

Currently this will be loosly based on the ideas in Tau Ceti (because thats what I played last :) but will change as the GameWorld and GameSpecifics get updated. I have also incorperated the idea of players not having mineral tokens, but just money. Mineral quantity is stored by the GMs? (and players are told about it each turn).

Note that the bits that say "GM <does something>" could actually mean that the program does it for the GM. Sometimes it also seems to get to stupidly trivial detail, thats just the way I'm working through it sorry :) Also Player ⇔ Team.

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