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PseudoBritannia: Threelords

The Three Lords

Once upon a time, there lived three lords, each of different temperaments and stations.

The first was from an ancient, noble house. As can be expected from such a man, he was rich and proud. However, time affects us all. The proud lord was no different, and as time passed, so his strength was gradually failing.

The second lord was young and cautious. Though he did not come from a long line of nobility, he had achieved fortune by being careful and wary. However, while he was by no means poor, he was not as rich as his peers. Because of his newly risen status, he was particularly sensitive about his status, and jealous of the status of others.

The third lord was of a station between the two. He had not hailed from a particularly ancient and noble line, but he was not a newcomer. He was not the richest of his peers, yet his wealth was respectable. However, it is important to note that what he lacked in the other qualities, he made up for in cunning and ambition.

As chance would have it, all three lords made their homes on the same tall hill. The old lord, being the wealthiest and hailing from the most ancient of lines, naturally lived on the top of the hill. The youngest, having newly come to power, lived at the bottom. The cunning lord lived between them both.

The old lord was admired for his ancient line. The young lord was admired for his practicality and gumption. The cunning lord was, unsurprisingly, admired for his cleverness. They might have all three lived in harmony, save for the cunning lord's ambition.

He went to the rich lord, and with flattering and admiration, catered to the old lord's pride. Once he had the old lord’s confidence, the cunning lord sighed, saying, “Destruction is preparing for you, and for me too, unfortunately. The young lord, whom you see daily at the bottom of the hill, wishes to uproot us both, that he may gain greater glory for himself.” The old lord, being sensitive of both his pride and his failing strength, feared such a rival.

Having thus frightened the old lord, the cunning lord went to the young one. Flattering and admiring the young man, the cunning lord warned, “You are in great danger; the old lord is planning to fall upon you! He does not believe a usurper such as yourself should have a place here on the hill.” The young lord, being sensitive of his station and the scorn of his peers, feared such a rival.

Having instilled these fears into both lords, the cunning lord went and pretended to hide himself in his home.

Meanwhile, the old lord, fearful of the young, prepared his troops and readied his guards, and plotted on the peak of his hill. The young lord, terrified by the old, gathered his guard, prepared his defences, and readied himself for what he assumed would come. With both lords being wound so tightly, it was inevitable that they would come to blows.

It is not known what was the spark that started it, exactly. But what is clear is that they started a long complicated battle. When it was all over, the strength of both lords was depleted. The ragged, remaining troops that survived abandoned their previous lords. They went to join the cunning lord, who promised them peace.

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