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PseudoBritannia: Deeds

Quests, Deeds, and Disasters

Heroes perform many deeds - although not all of them are resounding successes...


Ongoing activities undertaken by our merry band.

A Mysterious Reliquary
In an abandoned mine near Silverton the heroes discover a strange room, filled with carvings and a curious script. A sword and an urn of ashes recovered from the reliquary have yielded up some lore but have created even more unanswered questions despite the sagacity of the scholars consulted - and the answers to some of these questions may have worrying implications about much that was thought to be true...

Political Intrigue in the City of Heroes
After traveling to Jhelom in search of an expert on rare weapons our intrepid heroes become embroiled in the politics of the city, casting their support behind a brave questing Prince.

Deeds & Disasters

Tasks completed, for better or for worse.

A Caravan and a Mine
The brave heroes, at the behest of Yorick the distraught merchant, plumb the depths of an abandoned mine, slay the ogre bandits, defeat a fearsome umber hulk, free the prisoners, and discover a mysterious reliquary.

Gainful Employment?
Avalon is a hive of activity, and nowhere more so than the so-called Adventurers' Guild where not one - but two! - people seek after persons of deftness and skill to aid them in their endeavours. The heroes chose their magician, but sometimes the choices of magicians count for more! Despite misadventures and distractions our brave protagonists entered Kell's Tower, discovered some morbid leavings, and turned the tower over to his heir, Pascal - their chosen patron. Ismene - the spurned would-be employer - reached some understanding with Pascal and departed without rancor, inviting the group to contact her should they desire her skills - despite this some of the heroes were displeased with her flippant manipulations and deceptions, although others may have been left with different feelings...


Some heroes even write journals!

Mirava's Journal
The journal of the party's intrepid scout.

Stories of Old Heroes
What better way to inspire fledgling heroes than by telling tales of old ones?

Robert's Letters to Mommy and Daddy
Dear mom and dad,

Love, Robert

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Page last modified on September 17, 2007, at 02:33 PM