"An exercise in narcissism... by GiffyDoll"
For current Giffy Info go to the dollhouse
This is a Picture of ME from Armageddon 2003 in Wellington. I'm Light Speed Suzuka, from Angelic Layer.
Afternoon 18th Feb 2004
- I am tired, and still at school today but thought I should update this since the last time I did I was in Thailand and that is over a month ago. Also people might be interested!
- Well we did make it up to Chiaphum and while there we stayed with Na Lawan one night and she also drove us to Khon Kaen (about 1 1/2 hour drive) to see her family and we stayed overnight there. Khon Kaen is where i was born so that was pretty cool. Before that tho, while in Chiaphum we visited a 'silk village' which is to say a village that is rather reknowned for making and weaving thai silk. We got to see silk worm eggs (about the size of sesame seeds) and silk worms themselves (like green caterpillars)as well as see a woman weaving silk on a HUGE loom. The silk worms have to be feed mulberry leaves and they must be feed often, there was a woman under a mosquito net laying mulberry leaves in layers on the silk worm baskets. They have to have the netting as if flies get to the worms they bite them and it makes the worms no good... or something. The worms also can only have the best leaves otherwise the silk they make isn't so good and so this woman while laying on the leaves was also checking them for flaws and chucking out the ones that were not good enough. Apparently there are whole orchards of mulberry trees(?) just for the sole purpose of feeding these worms. We also saw the raw silk (a bright yellow colour) and dyed threads as well. In order to get the fancy patterns seen in thai silk they plan and dye the thread in stripes of different sizes and colours and so the person weaving the silk has to keep a close eye on it to check that the pattern (often of diamonds) is turning out right.
- We didn't make it to Pi Mai, much to my sadness, but as Erik said, next time! In general I had an awesome time in Thailand and bought too many T-shirts! I'll try and update on the rest of my life later
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Page last modified on January 12, 2005, at 02:50 AM