From Robin's Wiki

PotIS: Characters


Human Male Bard 12

May or may not be some kind of pirate king. His modesty prevents him from saying.


Sea-Elf Male Barbarian 11

May or may not be the recently-raised undead servitor of a dark goddess.

"Where's the Ka-Boom? There was supposed to be an earth-shattering Ka-Boom!"


Human Male Wizard (Specialist, Invocation/Evocation) 10

Therain believes doors are just for those who haven't mastered Teleport spells.

Sally was a good and loyal companion, if a touch paranoid, and without her teleport spells we are stranded on this F@#*ING boat, unable to get to a F@#*ING city and buy some G@#$%*#&D supplies! Ravenmane


Human Female Druid 6/Marine Lord 6

When she's not spending her time crushing the life out of those who oppose her and hurling their lifeless corpses overboard Megan enjoys long walks on the beach and dolphins.

"I will hug him and pet him and squeeze him. And I will name him George."


Halfling Male Sorcerer 5/Rogue 4/ Arcane Trickster 3

Ravenmane is always on the lookout for more adventuring companions. He keeps breaking his old ones. He shames science (and common sense) with his lies. He is accompanied by his stubborn, yet ever useful familiar, Snitch: a weasal's weasal, who often pees in the food of those who offend him, which is most anyone.


Human Male Fighter 10

Carying more weapons than the rest of the ship combined, Serlo fears nothing. Except the undead. And hard work. And possibly Kordeth.

Bessy will be missed for her continental drift-like wit and uh... Ravenmane


Elf Male Sorcerer/Rogue/Shadowdancer

A suspicious stowaway who seems to be a little dim at times.


Human Male Priest 7/Expert Thrower 5

A man Ravenmane found floating in the ocean on a small boat. Theorg may have been out in the sun too long. He does seem to know his gods, though. Theorg has adopted the halfling as his 'spirit guide'.

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Page last modified on December 14, 2005, at 02:36 PM