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The Steel Demons: A Feng Shui Game by Graham Chinner

The year is 1935 and war is looming on the horizon. Adolf Hitler has just announced his intention to rearm Germany while France and the United Kingdom watch this move with quiet reservation. While in the United States Roosevelt's New Deal is beginning to bring the United States out of the mire of the Great Depression. Still haunted by the lingering ghosts of the Great War no one wants to notice the storm clouds forming over Europe and the Pacific.

But that is just on the surface...

Ancient forces that have been lying dormant for centuries have begun to stir. Men and women for whom this forgotten lore has been a long, nearly dead family tradition are starting to fully realize the power that they could possess should they reach out to take it. Below the surface of the modern world great gambles for this reawakening are taking place, a secret war is being fought between those who wish to bring about its rebirth and those for who find its very existence anathema.

Dramatis Persone




Juncture Specific Weapon Rules and Listing

Experimental Mook Unit Rules

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Page last modified on February 08, 2008, at 12:12 PM